RichardsWilbert-burial-vaults-1960 brochure - about page

History of Richards-Wilbert

The Richards-Wilbert company has served Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and West Virginia for many years under several different names and owners. Rob Richards purchased the Hagerstown location in the mid 70’s and expanded the business to include the Mt. Jackson and Salem, VA locations.

In 2008, Richards-Wilbert was purchased by Richard Ward, also an owner of Rockville Fuel & Feed of Montgomery County, MD. Since then the company has seen many improvements in delivery equipment, cemetery setups, quality of burial vaults and burial services. Starting in 2009, Richards-Wilbert has been awarded the achievement of Ultimate Service Provider by Wilbert. This prestigious award is given to select licensees who provide the utmost quality of service and product within the Wilbert network throughout the United States and Canada.

Today, our business continues to thrive thanks to the trust and loyalty of our funeral home customers who demand the very best in burial vault and cremation urn products and services.

Our customers have found great success when utilizing our personalization and memorialization programs, including Legacy, Custom Legacy, and Life’s Reflection options. Please browse our site to view these meaningful programs.

Our goal is and will always be to provide the very best when called upon.

Contact us to learn more about Wilbert funeral services or to request a schedule of the upcoming continuing education classes for funeral professionals.




Areas Served

Richards-Wilbert offers burial vaults and cremation urn products to counties in:

  • Maryland (Washington County),
  • Pennsylvania (Franklin and Fulton counties)
  • Virginia (Alleghany, Amherst, Augusta, Bath, Bedford, Botetourt, Campbell, Carroll, Clarke, Craig, Floyd, Franklin, Frederick, Greene, Giles, Grayson, Highland, Madison, Montgomery, Nelson, Page, Pulaski, Roanoke, Rockbridge, Rockingham, Shenandoah, and Warren) and
  • West Virginia (Berkeley, Grant, Greenbriar, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Monroe, Morgan, Pendleton, and Pocahontas)



Set Up

Wilbert offers two types of burial set ups, Wilbert Way (WW) and Above Ground with Lowering Device (AL). Both set ups consists of an above ground seal and a lowering device, also known as The Wilbert Way Lowering Device. The difference in the two set ups is in the placement of the vault and the vault cover during the funeral service.
The Wilbert Way Ovation set up displays the cover in front of the family.  The Ovation display is available for personalized vaults for the Venetian, Tribute, Triune Series, and the Wilbert Bronze.

Grass & Chairs

Grass and folding chairs are available as a standard service to families who would like a graveside service or an extra amenity at the burial site. Grass will typically cover the gravesite area and chairs will be neatly arranged under the tents. Richards-Wilbert manages the delivery, setup, and removal of the grass and chairs.


One 15x15 tent is set by Richards-Wilbert at the gravesite for funeral services. The tents cover the burial area and provide a comfortable place for families to gather during the funeral..


Nameplates give burial vaults a personalized touch. They are a standard feature on the Monticello burial vault and above. The nameplate includes the name of the deceased and the birth and death dates.

Grave Digging & Disinterment (available at Richards-Wilbert, Roanoke Valley)

Richards-Wilbert provides grave digging and disinterment services. Richards-Wilbert, Roanoke Valley is fully equipped with a "backhoe" which significantly reduces the amount of time needed to prepare a grave. The grave digging service includes the opening and closing of the grave. If it becomes necessary to move a vault from one location to another, Richards-Wilbert (all locations) can assist with these services. We handle everything from locating the vault to relocating the vault to a new location.

Vault Transfer

Vault Transfer is a service available between Wilbert licensees and dealers.  Richards-Wilbert uses the vault transfer service when a burial request has been made outside of the licensee territory. The location of the cemetery is needed to determine the appropriate Wilbert licensee or dealer. Since the services offered by each Wilbert licensee vary, the licensees work together on a per burial basis to determine the services, such as tents, grass, chairs, and grave digging, that each licensee will provide for the burial.

Meet the Team

Owner-President Richard Ward
Director of Sales & Marketing Todd Dean
Design & Marketing Specialist Heather Leigh

    Office Manager Kelly Rhinehart
    Casket Warehouse Manager Kyle Holt
    Vault Warehouse Manager Dave Sprankle

    Vault Warehouse Manager Charlie Carrier

    Vault Warehouse Manager Bryant Thompson

    Administrative Assistant Rita Lewis
    Vault Warehouse Managers Glenn Sullivan & Luke McKinney

Contact Us

First Responders

When a hero falls, Wilbert is there.

Our “Commemorating First Responders” program provides families of firefighters, law enforcement officers and emergency medical personnel who have died in the line of duty with a tribute worthy of their valor and sacrifice.

At no charge to the family, Wilbert and our licensees donate a customized Wilbert Stainless Steel Triune® burial vault. If the choice is cremation, we offer a selection of four urns, as well as a Stainless Steel Triune urn vault for memorial tribute. If permitted, a WilbertWay® graveside service may also be included.

Join us as we help families honor heroic lives, sacrificed in valiant service to neighbor and community.

Contact your local funeral professional for more information.

Ultimate Service Provider

Wilbert Funeral Service in Chicago (corporate HQ) has awarded Richards-Wilbert with "Ultimate Service Provider" for the tenth year in a row.

There are two service levels: Standard Service and Ultimate Service Provider. To be classified as an Ultimate Service Provider, one must receive at least 75 points out of 88 points; a higher score is attainable when bonus points are earned for exceptional achievements. Points are collected by category, including tents, chairs, greens, Wilbert Way, lowering device, vaults, employees, and trucks and delivery. Richards-Wilbert surpassed the 75 points needed to obtain Ultimate Service Provider. Although we are proud of this accomplishment internally, it pleases us most that local families are the recipients of this service.